
5 Times Traveling Was Not Pretty

5 Times Traveling Was Not Pretty

The Instagram effect is a thing. It’s a great outlet for inspiration and artistic expression, BUT. The big ol’ but. For me (and I’ve read this is true for most people) it can also cause massive FOMO and feelings of not quite measuring up to the perfection that is broadcast.

I want to show anyone who would find a good healthy dose of messy reality refreshing five times when travel – for me – was not a pretty post. Or any kind of pretty at all.

9 Questions I Get Asked When I Say I'm Travelling

9 Questions I Get Asked When I Say I'm Travelling

I’ve recently announced to beyond friends and family the decision to travel to Central America with mi amor. For an indefinite period of time. Meaning yes, I’m doing the thing where I quit my big girl job and travel.

So here we go team. To answer both the genuinely curious (much love!) and the quietly judgmental (you do you) alike. Here are my responses to the nine most common questions and statements I’ve gotten when announcing my latest long-term travel plans. While my answers will be mostly unique to this particular trip, the questions are not.